DeafDigest - 28 April 2017

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - April 28, 2017   -- delegates say cheering is discriminatory Is loud cheering, especially at athletic events, discriminatory? This is what the delegates at the National Union of Students are saying. They said it discriminates against the deaf that cannot hear these loud cheers! This organization advocates the needs of (hearing) students that attend universities in Great Britain. Well, the deaf have their own Wave Cheer. And besides, we all root for our favorite athletic teams. A picture is at:   -- needless deaf tragedy DeafDigest has mentioned several times regarding the strike against the Canadian Hearing Society. And tragedies are beginning to surface. Two deaf hospitalized patients have been without interpreters, not understanding what the doctors and the nurses have to say. One died, and the other is suffering from an advanced stage of cancer.     -- strong interest among architects The Architects' Journal ran a great story about Deaf Design, meaning Deaf Friendly buildings. This magazine is not an American publication, but a British publication. It was not that too many years ago when Bernard Brown came up with his Deaf House concept. We may have very strong feelings in favor of Deaf Design, but Bernard was the first deaf person to come up with it! A former Deaf Builder in Connecticut, and then a Gallaudet faculty member, he is now retired and living in Florida Villages.     Latest deaf jobs Barry's collections of past articles (with today's update) -- deaf female astronomer 4/23/17 Blue and Gold editions at:

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