DeafDigest - 28 April 2020

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - April 28, 2020 -- 75 different sounds deaf cannot hear A manufacturer of a new device said it will capture 75 different sounds that the deaf people cannot hear but will tell them of microwave ringing, shattered glass, etc. Just wondering - many hearing people tune out these sounds every day, all the time. Will the deaf tune out these alerting sounds - and only pay attention to the most important sounds - baby cry, someone knocking on the door, etc?   -- many deaf actors don't listen to Marlee In a speech some time ago, Marlee Matlin had this advice for deaf actors wanting to make it in Hollywood - must get an agent. A deaf person, pretty much knowledgeable with the entertainment world, said that there are great many deaf actors that don't have an agent! Why?   -- Boris is getting same old complaint Deaf people have complained that the White House does not provide interpreters. It was also learned that Boris Johnson, the British Prime Minister does not have interpreters for speeches that he gives. London and Washington, DC speeches both equally not interpreted? Sigh!     Deaf jobs - latest update 04/26/20 Blue and Gold editions & sub options at:

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