DeafDigest - 28 August 2015

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition, August 28, 2015 morning   -- no more Derrick Coleman Is Derrick Coleman in danger of being cut by the Seattle Seahawks? A recent Seattle Seahawks blog said: At the fullback position, Derrick Coleman and Will Tukuafu are likely battling for one roster spot. Both have played well for the Seahawks in the past, although Tukuafu could have the advantage due to his ability to play some other positions.   -- best deaf role in a movie A movie blog said the best deaf character in a movie was Psych-Out, filmed in 1968. Susan Strasberg played a 17-year old deaf run away who constantly gets into trouble and problems for people around her. While it was 1968, DeafDigest wished it was a real deaf actress playing a deaf role.   past Mid-Week & morning editions: 8/23/15 Blue and Gold editions at:

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