DeafDigest - 28 August 2017

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - August 28, 2017   -- a lonely deaf lawmaker Mojo Mathers, who is deaf, is an elected member of the New Zealand parliament. She relies on interpreters and captions to function as a lawmaker. In an interview, she said that not only the job is stressful but also lonely. As an example, women of different political parties can get together to try to resolve a legislative issue. She cannot - and for some reason New Zealand is not that 100 percent accessible to the deaf. A picture is at:   -- five strikes, not three strikes, and you're out In baseball and softball, three strikes at bat and you're out. Well, at Walmart, the policy is five strikes before the employee, especially the deaf and the disabled (as well as hearing) can be fired. A Walmart workplace violation is counted as a strike. Said a disabled employee, the pressure to do well at Walmart can be overwhelming! It would be unfair for deaf employees that have communication problems with their supervisors.   -- 7.5 million deaf, fact or fiction A survey by a religious organization said there are 7.5 million culturally deaf Americans. Fact or fiction?       -- Eva is the first affordable hearing aid designed only for women Eva is the first affordable hearing aid designed only for women to address women'sanatomical and physiological characteristics, lifestyle preferences, and aesthetic sensibility. Women generally have smaller ears, making hearing aids designed for men feel bulky and uncomfortable to wear. Eva is highly miniaturized for inconspicuous wear behind a woman's ear and offered with smaller ear accessories to fit more comfortably inside the ear in closer proximity to the eardrum for an exceptional hearing experience. The low-profile design fits securely around and in the ear to maintain a secure fit for an active lifestyle including working, exercise and even swimming. Eva is offered in a slim, compact design with an assortment of feminine color options, including grey and red. Eva's sound processing is tailored for women's hearing loss patterns multiple sound profiles for treatment of common hearing loss patterns of women are included for superb out of the box experience. Sounds above 85 dB are suppressed for a comfortable listening experience in loud settings, along with independent suppression of low level noises for a more comfortable long term listening experience. Eva also automatically adjusts to enhance the characteristics of male and female speech in challenging listening situations such as noisy restaurants and social gatherings. Furthermore, In addition to the EVA launch, there is a lot of activity around the OTC Hearing Aid Act of 2017 which just passed the house and will likely pass in congress end of July and iHEAR has been in the forefront of this bill as they were the first company to make affordable hearing aids under $300. Eva's picture is at: If you're interested, please click on:

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