DeafDigest - 28 August 2018

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - August 28, 2018   -- customer service centers helping or not helping the deaf When people have complaints, they contact customer service centers. Some are by mail, by email, by voice phone and by chat. For the deaf, results have been mixed. Many companies toss mail into the trash can; more companies stop accepting emails; all companies have voice numbers but many of them resist relay calls, thinking it is scam. As for chat, many overseas centers handle chat, but English language is quite a barrier. What is best? Face to face communications in person if this is at all possible. A picture is at:   -- 911-text problems A dispatch center director said that voice is so much better than text during emergencies. Voice is faster. Dispatchers can pick up hints from "panic" voices. Text communications is slower than voice communications. If the emergency call involves CPR, voice instructions can do that; text instructions can't. This is why improving 911-text calls is always a priority with the deaf.   -- Netflix is good and bad Netflix is good in USA because it offers 100 percent captioning, which is what they promised. Netflix is bad in Great Britain. According to a survey nearly 40 percent of videos are not captioned or subtitled! Possibly because our ADA is the world's strongest law that protects the deaf.     Deaf jobs - latest update Barry's collections of past articles (with today's update) -- Codas that fake deeafness 08/26/18 Blue and Gold editions & sub options at:

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