DeafDigest - 28 December 2011

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition, December 28, 2011 -- A teacher questioning arrested deaf man at police station! Normally when a deaf person is arrested, the police would use an interpreter to help with questioning at the police station. This should be the way in USA. But in India, it seems things are different. A deaf man was arrested for theft, and the police could not question him because of communication difficulties. Instead the police hired a teacher from a school for the deaf to question the arrested deaf man. We are lucky it does not happen in USA. -- A deaf musician with his unusual skills Musicians normally play with just one instrument, such as a violin, a saxaphone, guitar, etc. They spend hours of practice to perfect their skills with that just one instrument. Even Evelyn Glennie, the world's most famous deaf musician, only plays the percussion. Yet, musician Jay'd Hagberg is deaf and is capable of playing more than 30 different instruments! He is from the Twin Cities area of Minnesota and studied music for a while in Austria. -- A deaf girl wins hearing Spelling Bee championship Emily Neal, a 4th grade deaf girl in Chesapeake, Ohio, has won local and regional spelling bee championships. And while she came in second place in the county, she hopes to be able to compete in the national spelling bee championships. A difficult word she was able to spell easily was "bildungsroman" -- Painful to take a dizziness & balance exam A deaf person is going to take a VNG test. VNG? It is called videonystagmography! And to get ready for that exam, this deaf person must follow these rules: * no eating or taking liquids for 4 hours before the exam * no alcoholic drinks for 2 days before the exam * no coffee or soft drinks the day of the xam * no medicine for two days before the exam * (for women), no make up the day of the exam This deaf person will be dizzy and uncomfortable on the day of the exam. Why VNG? To tell the doctor why you may have dizziness or balance problems! -- 10-year old deaf girl's best Christmas gift Amorette Mackey is a deaf 10-year old girl that lives in College Springs, Iowa. For six months, she begged for a very special Christmas gift. And in few days before Christmas, she was at a basketball game with her ASL signing choir. Suddenly she got the surprise she was asking for. It was in a big box that was pushed towards her. Someone came out of the box and shocked her. It was her daddy, Sgt. Seth Mackey, who just came home from Iraq. People watching the basketball game stood up and cheered at the surprise.

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