DeafDigest - 28 July 2014

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition, July 28, 2014   -- a young deaf woman gets a sweet revenge 17-year old Princess Pura is a deaf Filipino woman. Yes, Princess is her first name. She entered a local pageant for the first time. Nervous, she made some mistakes on the stage, and the crowd booed her. Not giving up, she entered the next pageant and qualified for the final pageant - the "Queen of the Philippines." That she was able to enter this final pageant after being booed for the first time has become her sweetest revenge! The pageant people are already excited about her.   -- Sorenson's owners have filed bankruptcy Some months ago, Sorenson seemed to have escaped bankruptcy, and we thought things were looking up for this relay provider. It was just learned that Sorenson's two co-owners - GTCR LLC and Madison Dearborn, both Chicago private equity companies, have filed bankruptcy, saying Sorenson's heavy debt is killing them ($1.28 billion in debt payable February 2015). What will happen to Sorenson? We do not know.   -- homework to help the deaf during a convention This week there is a convention of the National Court Reporters Association that is taking place in San Francisco. These conventioners are captioners and CART operators. It may be very possible that some of the realtime TV programs you are watching this week have been captioned by these conventioners, using their own captioning equipment in their hotel rooms! Some of them work between convention workshops, panels and social events. This is homework.     Facebook: Twitter: @deafdigest to make subscription changes, go to, click on the "subscribe" icon and follow screen instructions 07/27/14 Blue edition at: 07/27/14 Gold edition at:

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