DeafDigest - 28 July 2016

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition, July 28, 2016 -- greedy nurse and her three deaf children Cheryl Henwood is a British hearing nurse, and a mother of three deaf children. She cheated the British government of nearly $135,000 by claiming disability benefits for her deaf children. The money she got illegally was spent on holiday trips, a jet-ski and a pet horse. She, and her husband were both earning comfortable incomes from their jobs! She is now facing court charges with possible forfeiture of her bank account, dismissal from her job as nurse and possible prison time. A picture is at:   -- movies on international air flights DeafDigest editor vacationed in Portugal and flew by United Airlines. Technically airlines are not subject to ADA regulations (captioned movies) if flown over foreign land. It was a pleasant surprise to be able to watch a few subtitled movies that United carried! Deaf passengers need to click on "international films" and look for films that are subtitled, and not dubbed in voice.   -- deaf in political party conventions There is a story of a group of deaf people attending the Democratic National Convention, with interpreters and with captions. What about the Republicans? There were no newspaper stories about the deaf at the Republican National Convention, only of the Democratic National Convention? Why? DeafDigest editor will not draw up conclusions!   Latest deaf jobs: Barry's collections of past articles (with today's update) -- deaf superintendent of country club golf course 07/24/16 Blue and Gold editions at:

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