DeafDigest - 28 June 2013

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition, June 28, 2013     -- a tragic misunderstanding of sign language A pregnant deaf woman, suffering from a sore throat, went to a medical clinic. That clinic had no interpreter. She could not make herself understood with gestures that she needed treatment for her throat. The medical person thought she was having stomach problems and gave her medicine. Few weeks later, there was a miscarriage. Few months later she died. It happened in Ghana and the government is not too happy about it.     -- Air Canada kicks out a deaf-blind leader Christine Roschaert, a deaf-blind leader from Ottawa, is an experienced traveler, never had problems traveling alone anywhere in the world. Yet, recently Air Canada would not allow her to fly from Ottawa to Alberta. The airline officials said she required a companion to travel with her, and has not apologized for kicking her out. Canada living in these bad pre-"ADA" days?     -- CI or brain stem implant or hearing aid? A CI goes into one part of the ear; a brain stem implant goes into one part of the brain; a hearing aid - we know what it is. Which is better - a CI or a brain stem implant? The brain stem implant is so new and it is too early to know which is better! With a hearing aid, you can take it off; you can't take off the CI inside the ear; you also can't take off the brain stem inside the brain. All three are supposed to help the deaf hear better! Which one is best? You decide!   06/23/13 Blue edition at: 06/23/13 Gold edition at:

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