DeafDigest - 28 June 2016

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition, June 28, 2016 -- cop suspended for mocking the deaf There was an incident involving a deaf passenger on the Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority train platform. The cop, who confronted the deaf passenger, was so angry about it that she posted on her Facebook page, mocking his deafness. The angry officials immediately placed her on paid annual leave. See the picture at:   -- oral deaf person pleads guilty in court case This is a true story. An oral deaf person that knows no ASL and depends on lipreading, was in a traffic court, fighting a speeding ticket. The judge knew that the person was deaf and offered him an interpreter. He refused. Offered him CART, and he refused, and told the judge he can lipread. The judge gave up and asked him a question. Not understanding the question, the oral person said yes. The question judge asked was: Are you pleading guilty? Everyone in the court room laughed, even the judge. Fortunately for the deaf person, the judge, knowing he didn't understand the question, changed it from guilty to not guilty!   -- hearing person has reason to love captions A hearing person has a big reason for captions. He loves to watch iPad shows while in bed with his wife. He turns on captions because he did not want to wake up his wife who is sleeping! This is another example of a Deaf Device that helps the hearing.     Latest deaf jobs: Barry's collections of past articles (with today's update) -- Edison's 400 lightbulbs 06/26/16 Blue and Gold editions at:  

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