DeafDigest - 28 June 2017

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - June 28, 2017   -- deaf pushed out of top leadership positions Three major deaf organiations are run by hearing leaders in New Zealand - Deaf Aotearoa, Kelston Deaf Education Centre and Auckland Deaf Society. The deaf community is upset saying they were pushed out of these top positions. Let us imagine that National Association of the Deaf, Gallaudet and NTID are all run by hearing CEOs! Deaf people in USA won't let it happen, but it is happening in New Zealand (as well as with one major organization in Canada). A picture is at:   -- a hearing attorney is shocked A deaf owner of an interpreting company wanted to sell his business. He asked the hearing attorney for advice. The hearing attorney, referred him to another hearing attorney so that they could work together on the sales agreement. Instead the deaf owner ran to his competitor, showing them the tax returns and financial statements. The hearing attorney wasn't happy about it. The competitor looked at the numbers, didn't agree with it and backed out. Not only the deaf owner lost a possible sale, but the competitor already learned about this secret business information!   -- no one told the deaf girl about the fire drill In Great Britain, there was a fire drill at a hearing school, which had one deaf student. During the drill, everyone ran outside, but the deaf girl didn't know about it - because she was in the restroom, which had no alarm inside it. The county council wasn't too happy about it, because if it was a real fire, then the deaf girl may not survive.     Latest deaf jobs Barry's collections of past articles (with today's update) -- students bored with Deaf Education 6/25/17 Blue and Gold editions at:

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