DeafDigest - 28 June 2018

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - June 28, 2018 -- Deaf could have been involved in World Cup Is World Cup involving the deaf in any way? Probably not unless African soccer balls are being used. There is only one soccer balls manufacturer in Africa, and it is in Zambia. That factory has 150 employees and 60 of them are deaf! A picture is at:   -- Alaska State Troopers TV program Alaska State Troopers is a TV program. Three episodes were of interest to the deaf. Car with stuck horn, owned by a hearing man; police warning of a K-9 dog; police warning of being tasered. The deaf cannot hear all of them. And Alaska, being a huge state, only has few interpreters.   -- legal to throw a person out of restaurant Sarah Huckabee Sanders, of the White House staff, was kicked out of the Red Hen restaurant in Lexington, VA. People involved with the law said it is legal to kick her out because of her political views. Well, what if a deaf person owns a restaurant, and another deaf person comes in, he can be legally kicked out, if both of them have political views opposite of each other (ASL vs oral; CI vs no-CI; Deaf Culture vs anti-Deaf Culture, and so on).     Deaf jobs - latest update Barry's collections of past articles (with today's update) -- deaf-published comic book 06/24/18 Blue and Gold editions & options at:

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