DeafDigest - 28 March 2017

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - March 28, 2017 -- anti-sign language hearing woman attacks deaf woman A young deaf woman, using British Sign Language with her friend during a train ride, was attacked by a hearing woman. The hearing woman ran away but her video was taken. Why was the hearing woman angry? Was she anti-sign language? Or did she think the deaf woman was talking about her? Or maybe the deaf woman was using voice while signing, annoying the hearing woman? Anyway, the police is looking for the hearing woman. A picture is at:   -- a joke of a prize Chiedza Hukuimwe won the Miss Deaf Zimbabwe pageant. Her cash reward? Just $8.50 first place prize. Already the newspapers in Zimbabwe are angry about this joke prize!   -- possibility of hotel breaking ADA regulations There was a story of a new hotel opening up in Augusta, Georgia. It said that few rooms are reserved for the deaf. What is going to happen if the hotel is overbooked, and hearing guests are given deaf rooms - and a few minutes later a deaf guest comes in and wants a deaf room? Is the hotel breaking ADA regulations? This is why we have attorneys that specialize in Disability Law.     Latest deaf jobs Barry's collections of past articles (with today's update) -- avoiding voice relay calls 3/26/17 Blue and Gold editions at:

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