DeafDigest - 28 March 2019

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - March 28, 2019 -- Gesture Sign Language is a serious study A group of Linguistists is studying different gestures to see if these make sense, as part of communicating without voice. It is taking place at University of Birmingham in Great Britain. DeafDigest wonders if there is a difference between American gestures and British gestures. It is not known, however, if deaf people are involved with this study.   -- refusing to answer specific questions It is a scary time in the Deaf Community. White House's Betsy DeVos wants to cut funding for Gallaudet, NTID and Special Olympics. Angry Rep. Mark Pocan (D-WI) during a budget hearing asked DeVos specific questions on why she wants to slash the budget for these valued programs. He got nowhere as DeVos danced around his line of questions. We will see what happens.   -- school closed up and re-opened It was learned that in 1930, Arizona Schools for the Deaf and Blind closed up. Money ran out to fund the school operations; teachers were not paid for three months. Fortunately for the deaf of Arizona the school re-opened and while it operates flagship schools in Tucson and Phoenix, it works with local school districts to educate mainstreamed deaf students.     Deaf jobs - latest update 03/24/19 Blue and Gold editions & sub options at:

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