DeafDigest - 28 May 2019

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - May 28, 2019 -- deaf man trapped in Missouri tornado A tornado went off in Jefferson City, Missouri last week. A deaf man, who lived alone, had no warning that the tornado was hitting his town, especially his apartment. There were no electronic storm warning flashers telling him what was going on. Already a Gofundme page has been set up to raise funds to purchase emergency flashers for his apartment.   -- EMT communications We have some deaf people that wanted to serve as EMT but were turned away because of their deafness. One deaf EMT person said that communications with the hearing EMT people is nonverbal - meaning gestures, little ASL, body language movements and shoulder taps. That simple? Yes!   -- the senior bank manager with a major bank Sanjeev Arora, who is deaf, is a senior bank manager with the Bank of India. This is amazing inasmuch as many hearing people in India habitually describe every deaf person as deaf-mutes. A breakthrough one at time.     Deaf jobs - latest update 05/26/19 Blue and Gold editions & sub options at:

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