DeafDigest - 28 November 2019

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - November 28, 2019 -- difficult to be deaf at a hearing college There was a newspaper story today about being deaf at a hearing college. Part of the story says that many students and staff are not familiar with sign language, deaf culture, and deafness in general, creating an isolating environment. The story also says that deaf students are scattered across the campus making encounters with each other rare.     -- a shocking comment by an architectural firm A new library, costing $41.5 million dollars, just opened up in New York City. It lacks access to the deaf and the disabled. As a result, this library has been slapped with a lawsuit over these ADA violations. What made the whole thing so shocking is the comment by the architectural firm: there was no priority given to people with disabilities and that we had not thought about it     -- another comment by a former deaf attorney In another newspaper story today, a former attorney, who is deaf, said: There isn't much demand for lawyers that can't communicate, no matter how competent they might be That person left the legal profession and went to another profession where his deafness is not a barrier       Deaf jobs - latest update 11/24/19 Blue and Gold editions & sub options at:

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