DeafDigest - 28 October 2015

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition, October 28, 2015 morning -- a trick Google question when people apply for jobs at Google, this company only wants to hire the best. To screen out applicants who don't qualify, the human resources people will ask trick questions. One such trick question asked in the past is: You want to design a phone for deaf people; how do you do it? Would Robert Weitbrecht, the father of the TTY, be able to answer that question?   -- another India-Pakistan deaf trade So much have been written up about Geeta, that overlooked is the story of a deaf woman, held in India for many years, wanting to go back to her home town in Pakistan. She is 42 years old and has serious mental illness issues. Years ago, she was picked up by police and they had her committed to a home in India. Now she wants to come back home!     past Mid-Week & morning editions: 10/25/15 Blue and Gold editions at:

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