DeafDigest - 28 September 2015

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition, September 28, 2015 morning     -- communicating clearly about the failure to communicate What is the widely acclaimed play "Spring Awakening" of deaf & hearing cast on the Broadway is all about? About the failure to communicate, which is the play plot - yet these deaf and hearing actors communicate this fact with the audience! A bit of an irony here and there.     -- a strange job description A deaf person, himself a graduate of a Singaporean university, said he has a job. The title is full-time professional volunteer. This is strange. To volunteer is to help, for no pay. To volunteer full time means at least 8 hours per day. But to be a professional means getting paid. This job title is confusing!   past Mid-Week & morning editions: 9/27/15 Blue and Gold editions at:

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