DeafDigest - 28 September 2016

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition, September 28, 2016 -- Marlee Matlin's most famous acting role Marlee Matlin, in her long acting career, has nearly 60 acting credits. Her most famous role, that people talk about from time to time, was not her Oscar-winning movie. It was Seinfield's deaf Laura character, who was thought to be able to lipread someone from across the room at a crowded party (The Lip Reader - 1993). Carol Leifer, not deaf, wrote the script and the casting people needed a young deaf woman for that role, and so, Marlin was it! A picture is at:   -- Hillary's trickery Hillary Clinton debated Donald Trump on TV on Monday night. Was she playing a trick? There were people that noticed she was wearing something inside her ear. Was it an "invisible" hearing aid? Of course Hillary refused to explain what it was when she was questioned about it by the media!   -- too lazy to look for the subtitled film The movie - Bridget Jones's Baby - was shown at the Grant's Entertainment Centre in Croydon, a neigbhorhood in London. The movie ad in the newspapers said it was subtitled. As a result, nearly 20 deaf people showed up. The movie was not subtitled at all, making these deaf people angry. The theater manager said he could not find a subtitled copy of that movie, even though it was advertised. He was not telling the truth, because he didn't really look around for it, just being too lazy.   Latest deaf jobs: Barry's collections of past articles (with today's update) -- customer service reprentative, face to face 09/25/16 Blue and Gold editions at:

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