DeafDigest - 28 September 2020

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - September 28, 2020 -- bad Twitter news for the deaf Many deaf people tweet their short messages on the Twitter - and here comes the possible bad news - that it is coming up with voice messages? If this is the case, would these voice messages be captioned - on top of these text Twitter messages?   -- something wrong with "What The Deaf Man Heard" movie It has been said that the movie shown 20 years ago - "What The Deaf Man Heard" was one of the best TV movies ever shown. One thing wrong with it - the main role was played by a Fake-Deaf character. The movie should have been titled as: What The Fake Deaf Man Heard   -- bypassing the police roadblock DeafDigest editor lives in downtown Washington, DC and recently there was a police roadblock on the street in front of his residence, because of a nearby public BLM demonstration. DeafDigest editor opened the car window, and gestured softly "I sleep there" several times. The police officer realized the gesture and allowed the car to go through to enter the parking garage. Many people fight the police and it often leads to tragic results - but a smiling gesture, repeated several times, should not lead to communication problems or issues!   Deaf jobs - latest update 09/27/20 Blue and Gold editions & sub options at:    

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