DeafDigest - 29 April 2016

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition, April 29, 2016 -- union interested in deaf drivers Uber is pushing for more deaf drivers - and it may lead to an interesting development. Teamsters is planning to organize Uber Drivers Association, including these current deaf drivers. Good or bad? Normally when employees are unhappy with working conditions, their first thoughts is to get support of the unions. We shall see what will happen. A picture is at:   -- medical offices rude to the deaf Are medical offices rude to deaf patients? Medical staff show impatience when dealing with the deaf; would not slow down their communications; would not hire interpreters; and slamming pen and pad on the table when a deaf person asked to write notes. And in one case, a nurse asked a deaf person if she was an idiot. ADA? No, it is happening in France - where culture of rudeness towards the deaf is commonplace. We are so lucky we are in USA.   -- bringing up these Super Bowl complaints When people are unhappy with what they are seeing on TV, they turn to FCC, hoping this federal agency would help improve things. But FCC does not pay attention when a deaf person sings the national anthem in ASL and is cut off on the TV screen. This was the issue raised in a recent web posting. While not posted, there is another big issue - some commercials are not captioned.   Latest deaf jobs: Barry's collections of past articles (with today's update) -- meatpacking break-room talk led to csd 04/24/16 Blue and Gold editions at:

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