DeafDigest - 29 April 2019

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - April 29, 2019 -- a perfect mental health professional for deaf patients Always difficult to attract ASL-fluent mental health professionals (ASL-deaf and ASL-fluent hearing). In residency at Unity Health in Searcy (Arkansas) is Dr. Tracy Kaufman. She is a former ASL interpreter before entering medical school. And most important of all, mental health needs of the deaf is her #1 priority.   -- first big high tech company to hire full time interpreter There are many deaf employees in these high tech companies, especially in Seattle and Silicon Valley. How many of them have full-time interpeters? Zero, according to a newspaper story today that Amazon has become the first big high tech company with a full time interpreter. A clarification - it seems that other high tech companies (Microsoft, Facebook, etc) hire on-call interpeters, but full time? No.   -- a Coda entertainer did it; would others do same? Rosa Condo, who is a Coda entertainer, had all of her shows captioned for the benefit of the deaf in the audience. We have quite a few Coda entertainers, fluent in ASL, that do not have their shows captioned. They say they love the deaf, love their deaf parents but still do not caption!     Deaf jobs - latest update 04/28/19 Blue and Gold editions & sub options at:

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