DeafDigest - 29 August 2014

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition, August 29, 2014   -- 3D helping the deaf in one way We have read all about 3D, but the question is - how can it help the deaf? In the case of Brendon Borellini, the deaf-blind photographer, mentioned in a past DeafDigest edition, it has. With a picture that Brendon cannot see but has shot, 3D creates lifted surfaces. He can feel these surfaces to know the background and the environment. Why did he take up photography? At first, it was just a joke, but it became a strong interest with him.   -- sign language hooked up to the web A group of German computer scientists is working on a project - sign language avatars (cartoon-looking characters). These sign language characters would "listen" to audio sounds and translate them into sign language. Will it work? Yes, according to a deaf consultant that is on the sign language avatar design team. DeafDigest editor is a bit skeptical - because different American accents may cause wrong gestures to be signed out in ASL. Also there are different regional signs for the same word. Just wait and see.   -- deaf people had hearing aid problems in late 1880's The early hearing aids, in the late 19th century, were heavy and had to be carried by hands. The batteries were also big and heavy. It created problems for the deaf, not because they had to concentrate while listening to sounds, but because they couldn't sign when carrying the hearing aids! Fortunately, hearing aids got smaller and smaller over the years.   Facebook: Twitter: @deafdigest to make subscription changes, go to, click on the "subscribe" icon and follow screen instructions 08/24/14 Blue edition at: 08/24/14 Gold edition at:      

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