DeafDigest - 29 August 2015

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition, August 28, 2015 morning   -- winner of 2019 Deaf Seniors of America convention hostship 2015 Deaf Seniors of America convention at Asheville, NC has ended. Next one up is Houston, TX in 2017. The rights to host the 2019 convention is Seattle, WA   -- a doctor told a deaf person he cannot read or write Brian Moroney, who was quite hyperactive as a deaf kid, was told by his doctor that he cannot read or write while growing up. What happened? At the age of 22, he just graduated from University of Limerick (Ireland), with a major in Mobile Communications and Security. DeafDigest hopes he will find a job in the computer security field - not easy for any deaf to find any job in Ireland!     past Mid-Week & morning editions:   8/23/15 Blue and Gold editions at:

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