DeafDigest - 29 August 2019

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - August 29, 2019 -- advocate pushes for captions on top of TV screen An advocate has pushed for captions on top of TV screen, saying it would make the screen better for audience viewing. Good idea? Well, if one is a sports fan, then top captions would block showing of scores, game clock and team color identification. Bottom line - no such a thing as perfect placement of captions!   -- puzzling "too busy" comment DeafDigest mentioned that a Burger King server was fired for telling a deaf drive-in customer that he was too busy to serve her and for her to come inside to place the order. What is puzzling is that the server is too busy to serve her at drive-in but "not too busy" to serve her inside. Is there a difference between order at drive-in and order inside? No difference. A cheeseburger order is a cheeseburger order. Would that server say the same thing to a hearing driver at the drive-in if he placed exactly the same order the deaf woman wanted?   -- common complaint by users of captioning equipment A common complaint by deaf users of captioning equipment is this - when movie starts, they have to wait for the captions to show up. After waiting endlessly they realize the equipment is broken!     Deaf jobs - latest update 08/25/19 Blue and Gold editions & sub options at:

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