DeafDigest - 29 December 2015

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition, December 29, 2015 -- from a hospital orderly to a medical photographer Mohammad Aslam, deaf, is a medical photographer at a hospital in Kashmir. He is responsible for taking pictures of patients - before and after their surgical operations and also during their medical treatments. The hospital originally hired him as orderly, responsible for helping doctors and nurses with non-medical tasks. The hospital needed a medical photographer and gave him this job! His picture is at:   -- a confusing newspaper story Few days ago a newspaper in Kansas ran an obit of a deaf woman. The obit said she attended University of Kansas School for the Deaf in Lawrence, Kansas, where she won a certification as a lip-reader. There is a Kansas School for the Deaf, but it is in Olathe. And there no such a thing as University of Kansas School for the Deaf. Also deaf schools do not give out lipreading certificaes on graduation day. Obviously the reporter did not know what he was writing about.   -- a messy deaf adoption case in Australia A deaf mother gave up her child upon birth. A deaf female same-sex couple, friends of that deaf mother, agreed to adopt the baby. Three years later, the deaf mother had second thoughts and wanted the child back. The Family Court, confronted with this mess on their hands - made a decision. The child will go back to her natural mother even though she was never raised by her and her  husband.  The child will spend a weekend a month with the adoptive parents. And the child's last name will be of her natural mother and not of the adoptive couple. It was a solution no one was happy with.   Latest deaf jobs: or click on "jobs" past Mid-Week & morning editions: 12/27/15 Blue and Gold editions at:

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