DeafDigest - 29 January 2015

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition, January 29, 2015   -- a deaf-owned building is sold From time to time DeafDigest mentions deaf social clubs closing up. Well, some of these deaf clubs own their buildings. This list is now one less. The Wilmington Club for the Deaf in Delaware has put their building up for sale. Same reason - declining membership. The club will continue, however.   -- a corporate CEO's big shock Eddie V's is a steak and seafood chain that serves expensive dishes. There are 12 such restaurants in Texas, California, Arizona, Illinois and Florida. Every year this chain selects one of their chefs as the Eddie V's Chef of the Year. This year's winner is Charleston Wallace of Tampa, Florida. He is deaf and the Eddie V's CEO was shocked about it as no one told him before!     -- an interpreter accused of fakery Few months ago, a deaf interpreter signed the speech of a mayor, explaining what Ebola was all about and how serious it is. Some deaf people, watching the speech, thought the interpreter was making up the story and accused him of fakery. It was real and not a fake - and this interpreter is the same Jonathan Lamberton, who wowed the hearing audience few days ago re the mayor's NYC blizzard speech!     Facebook: Twitter: @deafdigest to make subscription changes, go to, click on the "subscribe" icon and follow screen instructions 1/25/15 Blue edition at: 1/25/15 Gold edition at:

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