DeafDigest - 29 January 2016

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition, January 29, 2016 -- smoking on the NTID campus Some NTID students are smoking on the NTID campus! It is not what you may think. E-smoking good or bad? Well, these selected students are asked to decide which flavor is best for e-smoking. What is going on? NTID is part of a group that won a $329,000 grant from the National Institutes of Health to study the safety of e-cigs with flavorings. OK, but why these deaf students? Said a NTID spokesperson: Our students are interested in conducting research on this, since many young people are using e-cigarettes. They are researchers who happen to be deaf. a picture is at:   -- a "fishy" lost deaf woman story This Geeta India-Pakistan tale never ends. Deaf Geeta claimed to accidentally crossed the border from India to Pakistan, and then being held for years against her will. She was returned to India, yet she has not been able to identify her birth parents and her natural family despite looking over hundreds of would-be families. And now this - Pakistan is demanding that India send back Geeta, saying she is a natural born Pakistan citizen, and not a citizen of India as she claimed to be. Next chapter!   -- a strong reason for Certifed Deaf Interpeting Certified Deaf Interpreting is a new field, only having surfaced in the past 15-20 years. There was a story of a deaf man whose conviction was overturned by the court of appeals by a state. The judges said that he could not understand, or appropriately respond to the interpreting of the police detective's five-hour intensive questioning. A certified deaf interpreter may have likely helped this case.     Latest deaf jobs: or click on "jobs" past Mid-Week & morning editions: 01/24/16 Blue and Gold editions at:    

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