DeafDigest - 29 July 2016

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition, July 29, 2016 -- display of sign language on TV Retired Iowa senator Tom Harkin, the father of the ADA, which incidentally just celebrated its 28th birthday, gave a speech at the Democrat National Convention. Harkin's deceased brother is deaf, hence the senator's lifelong interest in helping the deaf. Take a look at the audience sign language at:   -- national fast food chain, good or bad DeafDigest has mentioned that Taco Bell in New Jersey invited a lawsuit by a deaf woman for refusing to serve her at the drive in window. Taco Bell bad? Well, there was another story of a Taco Bell hearing employee, knowing ASL, helping a deaf customer place order. The deaf patron needed an explanation on the food he wanted to order, and the hearing employee used his sign language to help out. So, Taco Bell, good?   -- deaf winner, Samuel Adams Brewing competition The Samuel Adams Brewing American Dream Pitch Competition in Mission Beach, CA, took place this week. There were two winners; one of them is deaf - Rasool Raheem, Deaf Man's BBQ. His reward is a chance to compete for $10,000 in the national championship in Boston. Along with the cash, he would get one year free mentorship from business experts. He had to sign ASL in two minutes to impress the judges that his Deaf BBQ is the best.   Latest deaf jobs: Barry's collections of past articles (with today's update) -- unusual job to perform for a deaf King 07/24/16 Blue and Gold editions at:

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