DeafDigest - 29 July 2019

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - July 29, 2019 -- Deaf Hotel in a Hearing TV movie Hallmark just featured a new movie - Love in Rome. The hotel which was a big part of the movie was Hassler Roma. This hotel is owned and operated by Roberto Wirth, who is deaf. His hotel is considered to be one of the five best hotels in the world. Roberto, who was born in Switzerland, was educated at American School for the Deaf, Gallaudet and NTID - before he made hotel services his goal and his career. DeafDigest believes it is the first time a movie featured a deaf owned business! Was Roberto featured in the movie, in a cameo appearance? No. Any mention of deafness in the hotel scenes? No.   -- Starbucks' first deaf shift manager Does Starbucks, near Gallaudet, have a deaf shift manager? Do not know. Anyway Muhammad Aizad, who is deaf, is the shift manager at the Deaf Starbucks Malaysia. Does he supervise sign-language hearing employees? Hope so, becasue many hearing employees hate being supervised by a deaf boss!   -- a fact or a joke A fact or a joke? A web news posting said: The National Association of the Deaf has been supportive of the new proposal. However, they have expressed concerns about banning the use of hand signals because it could be stigmatizing for deaf fans. This refers to: The Major League Baseball Players Association has announced that “On-Field Cell Phone Use” is a major agenda item in the next collective bargaining agreement. The players union wants MLB to equip the players, coaches and umpires with smartphones. A joke? Of course - but do keep in mind deaf major leaguers of way back in 1880's and 1890's helped develop hand signals for the benefit of hearing baseball players and hearing fans (Dumny Hoy, Dummy Taylor and Ed Dundon).   Deaf jobs - latest update 07/28/19 Blue and Gold editions & sub options at:

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