DeafDigest - 29 July 2020

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - July 29, 2020 -- a first for Gallaudet In a first for Gallaudet, a past chair of the Board of Trustees has returned, years later, to his old position. Past chairs have only served once and that was it. This repeat chair is Glenn Anderson, who chaired between 1994 and 2005. As with all colleges and universities across USA, these are challenging times for Gallaudet. DeafDigest has confidence that Anderson will again do a great job.   -- Hollywood may not listen to a popular Oscar winner Octavia Spencer, not deaf, has achieved a Grand Slam - an Academy Award, a Golden Globe Award, and three Screen Actors Guild Awards. She said today that fake-deaf and fake-disabled actors should NEVER play deaf roles and disabled roles. Will Hollywood listen to her? DeafDigest has doubts that Hollywood will listen, except for these once-in-a-while token roles by the deaf and the disabled.   -- a deaf deer seen at a major city campus Would a deer visit the campus of Gallaudet University? There was a posting that it happened, attracted by "free" food being offered! Keep in mind years ago, part of the Gallaudet campus was farm land. There was a building that was called Hay Barn and the football field was named Garlic Field. A deer chasing Gallaudet ghosts?   Deaf jobs - latest update 07/26/20 Blue and Gold editions & sub options at:

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