DeafDigest - 29 July 2021

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - July 29, 2021 -- carnival has strict rules A deaf man wanted to operate a booth, focusing on the deaf, deafness and sign language. He is fluent in sign language but the carnival people told him he needed to pass an exam to get certified to teach sign language. He did and he has been allowed to operate his own booth. How many carnival people care about this sign language certification issues. Guess, not too many!   -- Racial and ethnic slurs no longer OK A newspaper columnist wrote: Racial and ethnic slurs got thrown around in the early 20th century. The deaf baseball player William Hoy was nicknamed Dummy. We didn't think about things like that then. Now we do!   -- a recommended restaurant in Rome If you are visiting Rome and happen to be hungry, do think of the OneSense by Valla. It is a deaf-owned restaurant, operated by Valeria Olivotti. She only serves Italian food and her dishes depend on the season and on food availability from nearby farms. It has been around for three years.   Deaf jobs - latest update 07/25/21 Blue and Gold editions & sub options at:

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