DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - March 29, 2017
-- a perfect theater for deaf - no ASL, no captions, no interpreters
Is there such a thing as a perfect theater for the deaf with no
ASL, no captions, no interpreters? The Vamos Theater in
Great Britain has actors performing with masks - and with
no speech. It forces the audience to follow the action
instead of relying on voice. This theater has won
many awards. A picture is at:
-- required to offer interpreters even when not requested
Not every deaf person asks for an interpreter even though
they obviously need one. The Administrative Office of
Pennsylvania Courts now require interpreters to be
offered in the courts if it is obvious the deaf person
needs one, even though he would deny the need. This
would prevent family members or friends to serve as
unlicensed interpreters!
-- a "deaf" ad banned in one nation
The Consumer Complaints Council of the Advertising
Standards Council of India has banned one ad by
the Praveen Surana Deaf Cure Centre. This advertiser
promised to "remove deafness and increase hearing
capacity" and claimed to restore deafness without
an operation!
Latest deaf jobs
Barry's collections of past articles (with today's update)
-- advocacy efforts backfired
3/26/17 Blue and Gold editions at: