DeafDigest - 29 May 2015

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition, May 29, 2015 morning \ -- we have a new deaf rapper Lal Daggy is a new rapper who is deaf. A story today said he is quickly rising in the music industry. His performance is unusual in that he does not use his voice. Instead he uses face, hands, arms and body while synching with the background music. The audience fell in love with his performances. Not much is known of him, though, except that he is 24 years old.   -- deaf drivers with Uber Uber has deaf drivers. This company has developed a new app to help deaf drivers navigate the roads, pick up and drop off passengers. It was the deaf drivers that told Uber what they wanted in the new app - and Uber listened to them. But is there an irony - Uber has been accused of discriminating against disabled passengers. There are several law suits for that reason!   past Mid-Week & morning editions: 5/24/15 Blue and Gold editions at:

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