DeafDigest - 29 May 2018

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - May 29, 2018   -- a deaf winemaker There are not too many deaf people in the cut-throat world of competitive winemaking; there are deaf people that make wine as a hobby, at home, but not professionally. Teisha Sauve, who is deaf and loves wines at home, is a professional winemaker with the Stonehouse Wines in Quebec. A picture is at:   -- $80,000 a year jobs available for deaf From time to time DeafDigest mentions issues re the deaf and these truck driving jobs. There was a headline in a newspaper story today which said: few want an $80,000 job driving trucks Truck driving is hard work; it is a challenge for anyone - male, female, hearing, deaf!   -- an apology or a joke A deaf couple entered a shopping mall. The security guard asked to look at the handbag the deaf woman was carrying. The handbag zipper was stuck and she couldn't open it. She gestured the guard to please wait until she could finally open the handbag. Instead the couple was roughed up physically by the guard and thrown out of the building. The angry couple confronted the mall management. The management instructed the security guard to apologize to the deaf couple. Instead the guard laughed very hard as if it was a joke. Not satisfied, the deaf couple is contemplating further action.     Deaf jobs - latest update Barry's collections of past articles (with today's update) -- hearing aid high costs 05/27/18 Blue and Gold editions & options at:

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