DeafDigest - 29 May 2020

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - May 29, 2020 -- subtitled film bloopers Subtitled movies is different from captioned movies, yet it was reported in a newspaper of these subtitled bloopers - such as hoards instead of hordes and Van Dyke instead of Van Dyck. This is strange because subitling follows thes script and is planned in advance, so different from real time news!   -- the facemask and the ADA What happens if a deaf person, without a facemask, enters Albertson supermarket, saying that ADA allows them not to wear it (lip reading and facial expressions)? ADA experts say Albertson has the right to refuse them entrance - because of public safety. ADA’s title 3 says public health is more important than accomodating a deaf person without a face mask.   -- five actors, five missing senses The Sci-Fi Adventure Film 'Making Sense' involves five different actors, each with a missing sense - sight, hearing, taste, touch and smell. The one without hearing (deaf) is Taylor Gonzalez, who is a new deaf actress.   Deaf jobs - latest update 05/24/20 Blue and Gold editions & sub options at:

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