DeafDigest - 29 November 2016

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition, November 29, 2016   -- high percentage of deaf in a supermarket chain In Ukraine, people shop for food and goods at Auchan, an European supermarket chain, which serves 15 European nations. In Ukraine only, the Auchan chain employs 3,800 people. 200 of these employees are deaf - in other words five percent of Auchan Ukraine employees are deaf. Could we go into Safeway, just an example, and find that many deaf employees in one location? No, but in Ukraine, yes! They do everything that hearing employees do - cashiers, auditors, inspectors, stockers, etc. A picture is at:   -- ideal job for the deaf Sai Prasad, not deaf, is employed by Deloitte, which is the world's leading management consulting firm. Fortune 500 companies listen to advice from Deloitte consultants. Anyway, Sai worked on a special project on ways the deaf and the disabled can be employed. He said that traffic officer is an ideal job for the deaf. They are not bothered by noise by street traffic! Deaf traffic officers in New York, London, Tokyo, Seoul and other crowded cities? Why not!   -- a surprise with a Gallaudet graduate Howard Watson, who passed away and was given a Dedication honor in DeafDigest was revealed as a Gallaudet surprise. An oralist he quickly picked up ASL at Gallaudet and became quite fluent with it for the rest of his life. Today's story in a newspaper said he was a skilled lipreader. It said he was a champion lipreader, given an assignment by Miami Herald, a newspaper, to read the lips of President John F. Kennedy at an Orange Bowl football game. Watson used binoculars to read Kennedy's lips. At Gallaudet, Watson never talked about it, nor did he brag about his lipreading skills!       Latest deaf jobs: Barry's collections of past articles (with today's update) -- Alien territory, deaf 11/27/16 Blue and Gold editions at:    

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