DeafDigest - 29 November 2018

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - November 29, 2018   -- a deaf businessman speaks out Yesterday's DeafDigest ran an article saying that hearing employers say - do hire the deaf but they don't. A deaf businessman said: It depends on if the deaf applicant is qualified and is on par with the hearing employees, plus being able to compensate for his deafness.   -- Pope Francis laughs at a deaf child, in a good way Pope Francis was giving an audience at the Vatican yesterday. All of a sudden a deaf child was running loose during the ceremony, first playing with a Swiss Guard and then jumping on the state and running around behind Pope Francis. The Pope laughed - knowing kids are kids!   -- sad news: Aspen Deaf Camp suspends operations The Aspen Deaf Camp in Colorado has served the Deaf Community for years with recreational needs, programs and services. This camp has suspended operations - because of serious financial issues. DeafDigest hopes this camp will come back, stronger than ever!   Deaf jobs - latest update 11/25/18 Blue and Gold editions & sub options at:

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