DeafDigest - 29 November 2019

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - November 29, 2019 -- mostly vocal but mostly weak An advocate said that comparing the deaf with other disabled groups, the deaf is the most vocal in fighting for their rights and needs. The irony - when disabled groups get together to fight for combined their needs, these groups would ignore the deaf needs!     -- sign language knowledge not required According to Department of Transportation regulations with the airlines, staff knowledge of sign language is not required. Surprising? Yes. Disappointing? Yes.     -- fears during medical appointments A newspaper story said many deaf people have these three interpreting fears during medical appointments - that interpreter does not show up; not understanding what the doctor tells the interpreter; not understanding the prescription, again with interpreter being around. These fears are valid.     Deaf jobs - latest update 11/24/19 Blue and Gold editions & sub options at:

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