DeafDigest - 29 October 2013

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition, October 29, 2013   -- Deaf children learning how to be deaf? Lecturer Joseph Valente, not deaf, is giving a lecture at Bucknell University in Pennsylvania. His topic is "How Deaf Children Learn to be Deaf." He says it is about bilingualism. DeafDigest editor thought deaf children are supposed to learn about these 3 R's - reading, writing, arithmetic, the same as hearing children?   -- a cruel bedroom tax Martyn Styles with his wife and deaf son, live in a 3-bedroom house in England. Martyn himself is deaf-blind. and uses the third bedroom for Braille equipment and computers. These devices allow him to stay connected with the outside world. A Support Service Provider comes in for assistance. Martyn is now faces a surprise bedroom tax, which would cost him extra $65.00 per week. He cannot afford the tax and is forced to chose between keeping his house or with the Support Service Provider! The British Deaf-Blind community is very angry about it.   -- a drunk hearing driver gave the cops a crazy deaf story Robert D. Bourque, not deaf, was caught driving while drunk in Ontario. During the breathalizer test, he told the cops that he poured alcohol into his ears to prove that it will help cure deafness. The cops did not believe him and arrested him. He is awaiting trial.   Facebook: Twitter: @deafdigest 10/27/13 Blue edition at: 10/27/13 Gold edition at:

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