DeafDigest - 29 October 2015

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition, October 29, 2015 morning   -- to cancel SKY or to keep SKY SKY is a British telecommunications company, which offers "everything" - telephone, cable and internet. Many British people hate SKY for one reason - monthly costs are very expensive. But for a hearing man, he is stuck! He said his wife is deaf and watches a lot of SKY programs that are subtitled. If he cancels to save money, then his wife will be unhappy!   -- body language during court trial The Zombie Walk automobile accident trial in San Diego is going on, involving a deaf driver. An expert witness has been called to the stand. He analyzed the body language of the parade participants to see if they were the reason for the accident taking place! If the deaf driver is guilty, he faces 3 years in jail. So, the body langauge testimony may be important.   past Mid-Week & morning editions: 10/25/15 Blue and Gold editions at:  

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