DeafDigest - 29 October 2018

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - October 29, 2018   -- a sign language phrase we don't understand A British newspaper did a story on a person who works at a deaf school as - communication practitioner. What does that mean? Sign language instructor or interpreter or oral speech teacher or what?   -- earning a PhD in a field that was not in past dictionary Audism is one of the newer words in the dictionary. A newspaper story said that a person earned a doctorate in Audism. This word means suppression of the deaf. Would that doctorate lead to a career in Deaf Advocacy?   -- Starbucks' confession When Starbucks opened its first sign language store (not in Washington, DC, but in Malaysia) deaf people were hired for jobs. But the management made a confession that the deaf were hired for simple and boring jobs - because they felt deaf people were not capable of doing something better in Starbucks! Since then, Starbucks has improved its attitude towards deaf employees.       Deaf jobs - latest update 10/28/18 Blue and Gold editions & sub options at:

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