DeafDigest - 29 September 2017

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - September 29, 2017   -- a reason for a prison lawsuit The Nebraska prison system has been slapped with a lawsuit, alleging lack of accommodations for deaf inmates. The problem is not that wardens wish to refuse accommodations, but that the state prisons are so overcrowded, making fair and just accommodations impossible! A picture is at:   -- deaf-blind owner of a cross-fit gym Brandon Tucker is deaf-blind. He is the owner of his cross-fit gym - CrossFit Feliciana, located in Saint Francisville, Louisiana. There was a newspaper story about him - he probably functions as a hearing person, despite his profound deafness.   -- a fishy excuse DeafDigest mentioned that a deaf man was refused service at a Burger King drive-in in Columbus, Ohio. The server who refused him service (and lost his job for that reason) said: We didn't know you were deaf It is fishy because the deaf driver handed him his burger order on a piece of paper and it was refused. Would a hearing driver write down his order on a piece of paper at a drive-in window?   Latest deaf jobs Barry's collections of past articles (with today's update) -- racetrack photographer 9/24/17 Blue and Gold editions at:   -- Deaf Job of the Day (each day new job announcement)

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