DeafDigest - 29 September 2021

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - September 29, 2021 -- a nightmare at a residence for low-income disabled tenants A residential building in New York City for low-income disabled tenants is a nightmare. Elevators break down too often. Emergency buttons do not work, and deaf tenants cannot scream for help. A resident said: it is a deaf building and everyone is deaf; no one hears these screams and ask for assistance   -- 62 complaints Ofcom is a British agency, just about doing the same thing as our own FCC. It got 62 complaints, but nothing to do with communication issues - just about the way the script was written up for the "Coronation Street" - a popular soap opera. The script revolved around a mother of a deaf child, being pushed into a CI for that child. The mother refuses and is forced to hide herself for that reason. These complaints all bark up the wrong tree; these complaints should go to the script-writing staff.   -- an unethical doctor A doctor has been friends with one person, who fell down the steps in an accident. They agreed on a prank - to convince the wife that her husband became deaf because of that fall. The wife believed it and for years she communicated with him through notes and gestures. She eventually found out the husband was faking his deafness! For that reason, she filed for divorce. The doctor admitted that it was all a medical prank that they never shared with the wife for years! Unethical doctor? Yes!   Deaf jobs - latest update 09/26/21 Blue and Gold editions & sub options at:

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