DeafDigest - 30 August 2016

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition, August 30, 2016   -- Saying no to a deaf man that wants to be balloon pilot In USA we have a known deaf balloon pilot. It is Clinton Glancy, Goshen, Ohio. There may be others but Glancy is the only known one. And even there is a deaf crew that helps a hearing balloon pilot on his air rides! Miyamoto Yasuhiro, who is deaf, wants to become Japan's first deaf balloon pilit. The government says no, saying radio use is required. Well, Ohio says yes, while Japan says no. A picture is at:   -- deaf team defeats hearing impaired team There was a newspaper story about a futsal game (indoor soccer) in Bahrain. It said: the Deaf Team won 10-2 over the Hearing Impaired Team Deaf defeating Hearing Impaired? Deaf people are also hearing impaired! Not sure why the newspaper wrote it that way - unless the hearing impoared team consists of players that have hearing losses in the mild and moderate ranges (very low decibels)?   -- judge says discrimination is "nothing" A deaf husband wanted an interpreter while witnessing the childbirth of his hearing wife. The hospital refused, saying husband is not the patient while the wife (who does not need an interpeter) is the patient. This case went to the court. The judge ruled against the deaf husband, saying his discrimination complaint is "nothing"! The deaf husband has filed an appeal. This case is in Australia, not USA!   Latest deaf jobs: Barry's collections of past articles (with today's update) -- Deaf Criminal Intelligence Analyst 08/28/16 Blue and Gold editions at:

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