DeafDigest - 30 August 2018

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - August 30, 2018   -- deaf-women owned businesses and daily challenges There was a story about female entrepreneurs dealing with challenges and discrimination on a daily basis. A deaf woman, who has started her own business in the early 1980's had to deal with these same issues - but with a bigger challenge - her own deafness! This business continues to this day. A picture is at:   -- Musk and the deaf Elon Musk, the businessman, loves attention - his Tesla cars and many other business ventures. Deaf venture? He established Neuralink as a new business venture - something to do with brains working with computers. And for the deaf, he wants the deaf to hear, with help of the Neuralink venture. Nothing about the CI or the hearing aid was mentioned.   -- different Hollywood discrimination against the deaf There have been many stories of Hollywood discriminating against the deaf (using fake-deaf actors instead of using real-deaf actors). A story surfaced today of Hollywood discriminating against the deaf and the disabled with these "behind the camera" crews. We are talking about camera men, sound technicians, film editors, make up artists, animatists, etc. We have had a few deaf people with these "behind the camera" crews but as always, it is never enough!     Deaf jobs - latest update Barry's collections of past articles (with today's update) -- state official said ASL is child abuse 08/26/18 Blue and Gold editions & sub options at:

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