DeafDigest - 30 December 2016

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition, December 30, 2016   -- reason for no ADA for deaf in prisons Many prison wardens know all about ADA, but do not enforce it (interpreters, captions, communication devices, etc). Reason is that they feel deaf prisoners do not deserve ADA rights because of the crimes they committed against the society! This was the issue written up in a media editorial. Despite many lawsuit wins, the attitude may not change. A picture is at:   -- app to handle deaf-hearing meeting discussions There are always stories of apps that can capture deaf-hearing discussions in staff meetings or even at family reunions. Is it always going to work? Developers say yes. Well, look at real time captions, there are always mistakes (that make us laugh or cry). Now, with fast-paced group discussions, captions fall behind and by the time it is caught up, another hearing person speaks up and so on. And even worse, we need to match the comment with the person saying it, and this means head turning, thus missing more of the conversation!   -- the 911 and the internet In the near future, deaf people, in need of emergency assistance, will be able to send videos to the 911 centers, via the internet. Technology is ready, but the delay is because of cost and equipment installation and operator training. Just cannot be done overnight!   Latest deaf jobs: Barry's collections of past articles (with today's update) -- deaf instructor in medical school 12/25/16 Blue and Gold editions at:

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