DeafDigest - 30 December 2019

DeafDigest Blue - December 29, 2019
Blue Edition - updated every Monday
Serving the Deaf Community since 1996; 23rd year
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Last week's ASL Videos in youtube:
This week's ASL videos in youtube:
Top stories about the deaf:
There was a story in India of a deaf man that
not only sells products from his cart but
supervises other cart-pushers, encouraging
them to meet their own sales quotas.
A group of hearing architecture students at
Drury University (Missouri) designed and
built a Deaf Home for a deaf person who was
previously homeless.
Arkansas State Rep. Charlene Fite has been
praised for on-going work for the deaf, and
just received an honor for that reason.
Interpreters in the Netherlands are complaining
that speeches from King Willem-Alexander are
very difficult to interpret because of his
vague and conflicting comments that even
hearing people cannot understand!
The mother of a deaf girl was held by ICE
and sent back to Mexico, leaving the
deaf girl behind!
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For more info about CapTel or any of the many assistive listening devices we offer,
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CapTel® Captioned Telephone – See What Everyone is Talking About!
weekly DeafDigest Blue & Gold editions: (updated every Monday)
This week's ASL video in youtube
    Many deaf people work for many years and then
    Why do they retire? Because they want to relax
and enjoy life? Maybe. Because they can live
comfortably from their retirement pensions and
social security? Maybe.
    But for many of them the #1 reason they retire
is that they're fed up with their hearing bosses
picking on them!
This week's ASL video in youtube:
Lip reading tale
A hearing man and his deaf friend were talking all about
these old-time famous TV sitcoms.
The deaf friend thought the hearing friend said:
I loved the Pork character that was played by Robin Williams
The hearing friend actually said:
I loved the Mork character that was played by Robin Williams
this refers to the famous TV sitcom - Mork & Mindy that was
played in the late seventies and early eighties
This week's ASL video in youtube
    A deaf convention took place recently. There were no
laptops, no paging devices, no computers. Many deaf people
spent time in the lobby chatting with each other.
    No laptops, no paging devices, no computers? Are we talking
about 1940 or 1950?
    No. The power was out at the hotel. So instead of using
computers, laptops and pagers, deaf people just chatted with
each other.
    Which is better? 1950 without electronic devices, but
making face to face friends or 2010 with electronic devices
but not making face to face friends?
    You decide!
This week's ASL video in youtube:
As we begin 2020, it is the time of year when many people make New Year’s
resolutions. For some court reporters and realtime captioners, their
resolutions are to practice their steno writing so that they can increase
their speed and accuracy.
Some people look at captioners as if they were machines. They might think
that all realtime captioners write the same way. But that is not true.
Writing on a steno machine is a skill that must be developed and worked
at. You must practice it and stay in shape in the same way someone must
follow an exercise program for their body.
There are dictation drills and finger exercises that increase your
dexterity and speed. Students who are studying steno must learn to reduce
hesitation and increase their ability to concentrate for long periods of
Just like people who exercise their body, people practicing on the steno
machine should keep a positive outlook and look to the future for the
goals they want to achieve. Above all else, they should try to make it fun
and something they enjoy doing, so that they will stick with their new
"exercise program" in the coming year.
For postings, announcements and employment ad rates,
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News of the Week - Looking Back 10 Years Ago:
It was reported that Matt Hamill, our deaf UFC fighter,
was badly beaten by illegal blows by Jon Jones, but won
via disqualification. Jones, who originally accepted the
disqualification loss, had second thoughts and filed
an appeal with the Nevada State Athletic Commission.
The commission, however, turned down the appeal and
Hamill's win via disqualification stood.
News of the Week - Looking Back 5 Years Ago:
Joseph Sargent, probably the best friend in Hollywood
among the deaf actors, passed away. While he was not
deaf, he did much for the deaf. He co-founded the Deaf
West Theater. He directed the movie "Love is never
Silent" which is considered to be the best deaf movie
ever. And not afraid of controversy, he directed
the movie - Sweet Nothing in My Ear, which starred
Marlee Matlin. It was about a deaf-hearing couple
having a hard time deciding about a CI or not for their
deaf son. DeafDigest wishes there were more Joseph
Sargents in Hollywood.
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