DeafDigest - 30 July 2014

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition, July 30, 2014   -- deaf being touched, tapped, poked, prodded at hospitals Two hospitals in Texas are being sued by Texas Civil Rights Project. What did they do wrong? The doctors at these hospitals touched, tapped, poked and prodded their deaf patients. All of these were done without any interpreters around - leaving deaf patients upset and confused as to why no one was around to explain what and why the doctors were doing on their bodies.   -- Deaf Soap Opera or Deaf Family Friendly TV show The ABCFamily network is supposed to show only family friendly TV programs. Yet there are accusations that the Switched at Birth is more of a Soap Opera than as a Family Friendly TV show. They are saying that if it is really a soap opera then it should be moved to these daytime soap opera channels. There were many plots on the Switched at Birth episodes that are not appropriate for viewers of the ABCFamily network.   -- a deaf passenger on a bus A bus driver, in a small British town, gave a passenger and her two young daughters, a very hard time due to her deafness. She bought discounted fares for her under-age daughters, yet the driver would not accept it and forced her to pay full fares. When the passenger told the driver she was deaf and to please communicate slowly, the driver laughed and put a speakerphone on her ear, claiming she can hear the loud voices. She filed a formal complaint with the bus company officials. The company apologized for the incident and said they were investigating the whole thing. The company was lucky she is not planning legal action.   Facebook: Twitter: @deafdigest to make subscription changes, go to, click on the "subscribe" icon and follow screen instructions 07/27/14 Blue edition at: 07/27/14 Gold edition at:  

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