DeafDigest - 30 July 2019

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - July 30, 2019 -- deaf business owners dealing with hearing customers Do deaf business owners deaf with hearing customers? Some do; some don't. DeafDigest mentioned that Roberto Wirth owns Hassler Roma and that he is deaf and that patrons are hearing. DeafDigest interviewed Wirth years ago, asking him how does he deal with hearing patrons. He said that he doesn't but has hearing people at the front desk, at his restaurants and at his other hotel facilities. Every morning he has face to face meetings with his three top-level hearing department administrators to discuss issues, ideas and problems they may have had during the previous day. In other words, when there are problems, Roberto is the first to know about it!   -- cannot understand gestures François Caradec, who is not deaf, collects gestures used by every one all over the world. He said there is no such a thing as a simple gesture that people everywhere would understand. He is correct. Years ago DeafDigest editor was in Barcelona. At a restaurant for a morning breakfast, he pointed to the menu which indcated "breakfast eggs" and gestured "scrambled eggs." The waitress could not understand it and asked for the manager. The manager could not understand it, and asked for the restaurant owner whom could not understand it. After repeated gesturing attempts, they finally understood it.     -- bad restaurant comment by an employer A restaurant owner said: A deaf person will not be at the front counter. They are hired to clean up tables or to clean up the bathrooms. He is correct - but we are seeing more and more, ever slowly, deaf people doing "hearing" tasks that they would have never been permitted to do so in the past!   Deaf jobs - latest update 07/28/19 Blue and Gold editions & sub options at:

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